The Real Thing Mega Omega 3+6+9

The Real Thing

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All the healthy fatty acids delivered in the optimal ratio for improved heart, brain, nervous system and immune function. Mega Omega 3 + 6 + 9 is the omega all-rounder, sporting a thrilling combination of omega 3 rich fish oil, plus omega 6 and omega 9 dense borage oil. It...
R 279.00

All the healthy fatty acids delivered in the optimal ratio for improved heart, brain, nervous system and immune function. Mega Omega 3 + 6 + 9 is the omega all-rounder, sporting a thrilling combination of omega 3 rich fish oil, plus omega 6 and omega 9 dense borage oil.

It delivers the best possible balance of these beneficial fatty acids, giving our body all the omegas it needs in the best possible way.

Helps with:
·    Eczema and other skin disorders
·    High cholesterol and blood pressure
·    PMS
·    Rheumatoid arthritis
·    The immune system – it has a natural anti-inflammatory function
·    It is also an important intermediary in the metabolic conversion of linoleic acid into prostaglandin E1 (PGE1), which regulates the action of many hormones.

Get the specs
Why? Omegas 3, 6 and 9 are essential for good health. But we need the right ratio to get it right. And most Western diets get this wrong, providing too much omega 6 and too little omega 3. Mega Omega 3+6+9 delivers the perfect balance for better health.
What else? Like all Mega Omega oils, 3+6+9 is molecularly distilled and certified pharmaceutical-grade.

Here's the trick
Omega 3s and 6s are metabolised by the same enzymes, so they need to be consumed in a balanced proportion... The ideal omega 6 to 3 ratio is between 1:1 and 4:1, yet most urban diets deliver omega-6 heavy ratios between 10:1 and 30:1. We don’t need to do the math to see the problem.

Mega Omega 3+6+9 helps balance the books. It carries the right omegas in the right amounts. Omega 3s are delivered by the Mega Omega fish oil and omega 6 and 9 by the pure, cold-pressed borage (starflower) oil, which has been shown to help.

How does The Real Thing keep it real? 
Mega Omega 3+6+9 is a blend of The Real Thing’s purest omega-rich oils.

How do we take it? 
For maintenance, take 2 capsules daily with food. This can be increased to 2 capsules twice daily. Or consult your health care practitioner.
Note: If pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your health care practitioner before taking any supplement containing borage oil.