The Real Thing Chlorella Tablets

The Real Thing

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The Real Thing Chlorella is 100% pure, cracked cell chlorella algae, packed with the antioxidant chlorophyll. It's the "superfood" for super-health. Go green with The Real Thing Chlorella. It's a spring-cleaning superfood crammed with nutrients and the plant antioxidant chlorophyll. But this fresh-water alga brings more than just a nutrient...
R 310.50

The Real Thing Chlorella is 100% pure, cracked cell chlorella algae, packed with the antioxidant chlorophyll. It's the "superfood" for super-health.

Go green with The Real Thing Chlorella. It's a spring-cleaning superfood crammed with nutrients and the plant antioxidant chlorophyll. But this fresh-water alga brings more than just a nutrient boost.

It's precisely what your body needs to help clear toxic heavy metals and chemical pollutants. It's a detox waiting to happen...

•    More energy, owing to improved nutritional status
•    Detoxifier
•    Anti-aging
•    Probiotic function stimulates the growth of good bacteria and supports the digestive system
•    Promotes tissue regeneration, growth and repair.

Get the specs
What? Chlorella is a single-celled, two-billion-year-old great, green superfood.
Why? This fresh-water alga is crammed with nutrients and chlorophyll – the plant antioxidant responsible for chlorella’s name and its green colour.
So what? It’s a nutrient boost and a detox – precisely what your body needs to help clear heavy metals and other toxins.

What's in it?

It’s a potent antioxidant found in many green plants.
•    It fights free-radical damage.
•    It's structurally similar to oxygen-carrying haemoglobin in red blood cells, increasing red cell counts.
•    It can also chelate and clear heavy metals, detoxify the liver, and help counter the effects of radiation.

A unique phytochemical with multi-systemic effects.  
•    Supports healthy immune function by stimulating the production of interferon, and protecting infection-fighting T-cells and B-cells.
•    Its probiotic function stimulates the growth of good bacteria and supports the digestive system.
•    It promotes tissue regeneration, growth and repair without causing uncontrolled cell proliferation in the form of malignancies. Or it wouldn’t be called a “growth factor”.

•    Vitamins, including the stress-busting Bs and vitamins A, C, E and K.
•    Minerals, particularly iron, but also calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, copper, sodium and various trace elements.
•    Essential fatty acids, contributing to cholesterol balancing.
•    Protein, carbohydrates, amino acids and nucleic acids.
How does chlorella help us?
It helps your body clear out all kinds of junk.
•    Heavy metals. The cellulose in chlorella’s tough cell wall binds chemically with noxious heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium. Then it shows them the door.
•    Pesticides. It helps the body flush out hydrocarbon pesticide traces, like DDT, kepone and PCBs.
•    Radiation. It helps reduce damage due to radiation exposure. Japanese scientists have been investigating its effects since the nuclear disasters of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
•    Fewer free radicals. The antioxidant chlorophyll cuts the tissue damage and ageing caused by free radicals.
•    More regeneration. The CGF, in chlorella, helps promote cell growth and tissue repair.
•    More nucleic acids. When you hit your 20s, nucleic acid volumes start to decrease. CGF also boosts nucleic acid levels and so, may have an anti-ageing function.
Still not enough for you? Here’s what else chlorella can do...
•    More macrophages, the immune cells that swallow and destroy invading organisms and contaminants.
•    An alkaline pH, as chlorella helps counter acidity and restore the body’s optimal, pH balance.
•    More energy, due to improved nutritional status.
•    Fresher breath, thanks to the chlorophyll.
•    Better digestion, due to the healthier balance of good bacteria in the gut.
What makes chlorella the real thing? 
•    What we put in it. Only the purest possible cracked-cell chlorella pyrenoidosa algae.
•    What we don’t put in it: no binders, fillers, colourants, flavourants, preservatives, tabletting aids or additives of any kind.
•    How it’s grown. In fresh, shallow water that’s totally free from toxins and pollutants.
•    How it’s made. Our algae's cell walls are "cracked" through a low-temperature drying procedure. Why? For easier digestion and absorption of all the good stuff inside.
•    How it’s stored. It’s packed in plastic to avoid all contact with metals and moisture
Hows does one take it?
For maintenance, take 5 tablets twice daily, at mealtimes, with a glass of water. This can be increased to 10 to 20 tablets daily, or consult your health practitioner.

Note: For best results, keep this supplement stored in plastic, as you buy it. If you also take vitamin C, take it a good few hours before or after taking Chlorella.